(too old to reply)
2015-07-31 16:10:04 UTC
It's come to my attention that someone has been blacklisting The Farside
mud and blacknaming me (Beebop, a gamemaster on the aforementioned mud).
I have a good idea why it's happening, for 2 days ago i removed and
banished a wizard from farside, said wizard was 'Beanie'.
Now, it appears that she is running around telling all her friends
what a big nasty person i am, and Farside's Game Admin, Alvin, has
received some emails complaining about me, he just trashed them,
i don't blame him..
Firstly, I removed beanie, so if you have a problem with that,
mail ME!!!!!! and talk to me in PERSON, i don't appreciate hearing
what a bad person i'm supposed to be, and that it's spreading all over
lots of muds or whatever, Beanie accused me of backstabbing people,
i wonder what you call this?
But, if you have a real problem with me, just stay off Farside eh?
It's that simple.
Now, i may as well explain the truth as to why i removed and banished
beanie, seeing as i've heard several versions of it myself that are
quite funny.
I removed beanie because she was upsetting the atmosphere of the Mud,
I have coded my arse off on Farside, as any farside wiz will tell you,
i recoded a substantial amount of the mudlib, rewrote combat from scratch
etc, wrote 3/4 of the guilds on there, lalala, this isn't a story of my
achievments, suffice to say, i've done a lot. i've earned my Gm position.
Now, i wizzed something to the effect that the mud gets me down sometimes,
coz i've coded most of the new stuff, and not many others are familiar with
it, i get to fix all the lovely bugs, so i have a large list of things to
do, which i'm sure sounds familar to a load of wizards..
Now, this then was shouted (i regret it was shouted, i wish it was all wizzed)
(taken from /log/SHOUTS)
beanie shouted: Gee, thanks Beebop. on Tue Apr 13 00:44:14 1993
beebop shouted: sorry beanie, didn't know you'd contributed so much to this
place on Tue Apr 13 00:44:53 1993
beanie shouted: i WOULD if the mud deserved it. on Tue Apr 13 00:45:39 1993
beebop shouted: could you? on Tue Apr 13 00:45:55 1993
beanie shouted: I could probably outcode most people, IF i wanted to and
had incentive. on Tue Apr 13 00:46:27 1993
beebop shouted: outcode me then on Tue Apr 13 00:46:40 1993
beanie shouted: *heh* on Tue Apr 13 00:46:48 1993
kai shouted: I could use a challange :) on Tue Apr 13 00:46:52 1993
beebop shouted: or Kai on Tue Apr 13 00:46:54 1993
beebop shouted: how about earmuffs for players? on Tue Apr 13 00:51:28 1993
rascall shouted: I just ignore you all when I choose. on Tue Apr 13
00:51:44 1993
beebop shouted: don't see why they should be a just wiz thing (ok wizzes, i
know they dont work yet, but i should fix it some day..) on Tue Apr 13
00:51:54 1993
kai shouted: how about earmufs for wizards on Tue Apr 13 00:51:54 1993
Beebop echoalled Quote of the week: Beebop says: i should fix that some day...
Oh, that's all, i thought it was more than that, i guess we wizzed the
rest, anyway, from that little log at the start of the argument you can
see the Beanie seemed to think herself above this little mud of ours,
and that she can code superbly well, but feels that farside doesn't
deserve her wonderful brilliance. Now, i don't know about any other
Gods/Admins out there, but personally, any wiz with that attitude isn't
welcome on a mud where i wield any power. That's my opinion, and that's
final. I code for the players, i try to make a decent, origional world.
And if some wizard decides that they're too good for this mud of ours,
then basically, i don't see why they should waste our discspace
or CPU time talking. So, it then degenerated into a slanging match over
the wizline (which i'm quite adept at, seeing as i find insults directed
towards me incredibly amusing, and have had 20 years practice at winding
people up till the explode)
So, that's that, that's the real reason i rm'd beanie,
she decided herself that she was too good for our mud, if you lot want
her, you can have her.
Now, this wasn't the end of the story like i assumed/hoped it would
be though, because beanie happens to have a load of friends on other
muds and is a goddess somewhere or something, so she decided to whine
to all her friends and say what a bad person i was, and got a flatmate
of hers to log on and proceed to tell me that i was a very bad human
being and started to list ways that i should behave as a Gm
have you any idea how utterly pathetic it is to have a level 1
log on for the first time and tell a level 1000 how he should run a mud?
i don't care how many muds you're god or arch on (anyone can be a god,
if you've got ftp). Because you lot have no idea what i am really like,
you all seem to assume i'm a bad person just because i remove someone,
how pathetic, on farside i'm a gamemaster, it's a totally different
persona to my real life personality, and i wish more people would
deal with that.
I guess that about wraps it up, don't wanna waste too much time here.
Just remember, if you got a problem with me, mail ME dammit, don't
mail my mud admin, he doesn't give a toss about this sort of thing, he
finds it as amusing as i do.
And Beanie, Just deal with it, you're history on farside, and that's
all there is to it. Just quit whining and bitching to all your ever-so
powerful friends, ok?
~Beebop, who freely admits to being more than 119% bastard
(But maybe all you lot should log onto farside, 2500,
and ask all the players what they think of the Gm Beebop eh?)
I wish Farside still existed :(
2017-06-17 03:56:48 UTC
I wish farside still existed, too.
2017-11-29 13:33:19 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I wish farside still existed, too.
I don't understand how it's been 20 years... If only =(
